Robot carers for elderly people are ‘another way of dying even more miserably’

The Guardian – March 15, 2016 – As if old age wasn’t scary enough, here comes a new horror: Nadine, the humanoid robot personal care assistant for elderly people. Don’t you love the “personal” in there? How personal? It/she has “her [sic] own personality”, can remember conversations, and it/she isn’t quite ready for you yet, but it’s only a matter of time before it/she will be “a companion for children and the elderly”.

See how they lump us together? We’re just like babies – but worse, because we’re never going to grow up and be useful, and we’re increasing like billy-ho. So, it’s international panic stations. Especially in Japan, with 25% of the population over 65. (Serves them right for being so healthy.) That’s why they’re streets ahead. They already have a robot with three arms and 24 fingers that can wash your hairand massage your head; Paro the cuddly seal robot, which befriends elderly people; and a mat with a wireless sensor that can tell if you’re still moving about.

But Europe is catching up. Our Mobiserv project has been researching a “social companion robot”, to encourage old persons “to eat healthily and exercise” and let “them know they have not spoken to anyone for a while”. As if they hadn’t noticed. I’d like to have a little cry here.

“It’s just another way of dying even more miserably. Where do the profits go?” asks Fielding, sharp as a tack, seeing as robots don’t need wages. Someone must be coining it, because “the global personal robot market … could reach $17.4bn (£12bn) by 2020”.

And what if these humanoid robots go rogue? Like Google’s DeepMind software AlphaGo, which learns from its mistakes and surprised its creator? Or perhaps that’s the secret grand plan to deal with the surplus elderly. Who cares if Nadine and her kind go haywire and get rid of us? Who gets the blame? Will the other humans even notice? And the elderly may even be relieved. “Stop washing my hair with your 24 fingers,” they may cry, after years of robot-only care, “and throttle me instead.”

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